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How does Zleep actually work?

Being unable to sleep often happen as a result of an unconsciously associating the bed with being awake. At Zleep, we get how complex sleep is and have developed an approach that combines neuroscience with actionable behavior-change strategies, adapted to your needs. 


Take our free assessment 

Help us understand your sleep pattern and the impact it has on your life


Get your personalized sleep program

Zleep will develop a neuroscience-based sleep program that will adapt and evolves according to your needs 


Solve your insomnia for good 

Focus on solving the root-cause of your insomnia, for a lifelong outcome.

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Discover your custom 10-step program

Each steps brings you closer to reclaiming your nights and revitalizing your days 


01. Recalibrate your sleep window

Discover your optimal bedtime and wake time to consolidate your sleep pattern and enhance your brain's ability  to regulate sleep efficiently.

  • Sleep restriction (SRT)
    SRT is a scientifically-backed method, focusing on limiting time in bed time in a way that reduce wakefulness at night and improve sleep efficiency
  • Prefrontal cortex stimulation
    Activating the prefrontal cortex upon waking - our brain's center responsible for memory and cognitive function - has been shown to sharpen alertness and diminish morning fog
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02. Increase your sleep drive

Informed by habit formation psychology, Zleep's approach aims at enhancing your sleep drive, the body's natural urge for sleep that builds ups throughout the day.

  • Sleep restriction (SRT)
    SRT is a scientifically-backed method, focusing on limiting time in bed time in a way that reduce wakefulness at night and improve sleep efficiency
  • Prefrontal cortex stimulation
    Activating the prefrontal cortex upon waking - our brain's center responsible for memory and cognitive function - has been shown to sharpen alertness and diminish morning fog
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03. Break negative mental associations

Insomnia often develops from repeatedly associating the bed with wakefulness and arousal. Zleep helps break these unhealthy associations and re-establish the bed as a trigger for sleep

  • Sleep restriction (SRT)
    SRT is a scientifically-backed method, focusing on limiting time in bed time in a way that reduce wakefulness at night and improve sleep efficiency
  • Prefrontal cortex stimulation
    Activating the prefrontal cortex upon waking - our brain's center responsible for memory and cognitive function - has been shown to sharpen alertness and diminish morning fog

04. Reset your thought pattern

Disrupts and reconstructs habitual negative thinking, by establishing a foundation for more positive and constructive mental responses.

  • Sleep restriction (SRT)
    SRT is a scientifically-backed method, focusing on limiting time in bed time in a way that reduce wakefulness at night and improve sleep efficiency
  • Prefrontal cortex stimulation
    Activating the prefrontal cortex upon waking - our brain's center responsible for memory and cognitive function - has been shown to sharpen alertness and diminish morning fog
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05. Reset your body clock

The human body contains an internal clock that operates on a roughly 24-hour cycle, guiding when to be alert during the day and when it's time to prepare for a restful night's sleep.

  • Sleep restriction (SRT)
    SRT is a scientifically-backed method, focusing on limiting time in bed time in a way that reduce wakefulness at night and improve sleep efficiency
  • Prefrontal cortex stimulation
    Activating the prefrontal cortex upon waking - our brain's center responsible for memory and cognitive function - has been shown to sharpen alertness and diminish morning fog

06. 06. Calm the racing mind

An overactive mind at bedtime often signals that your body hasn't transitioned to 'rest mode'. Zleep incorporates proven techniques to manage this restlessness, gently guiding your body towards a state of relaxation and signaling that it's time to rest

  • Sleep restriction (SRT)
    SRT is a scientifically-backed method, focusing on limiting time in bed time in a way that reduce wakefulness at night and improve sleep efficiency
  • Prefrontal cortex stimulation
    Activating the prefrontal cortex upon waking - our brain's center responsible for memory and cognitive function - has been shown to sharpen alertness and diminish morning fog
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